Software SMG for SQUAD
Information about cheat
Private SMG cheat for SQUAD is a powerful and reliable tool for players who want to gain an advantage in tactical battles. The software is equipped with a built-in spoofer, which helps to avoid blocking, and its advanced methods of bypassing anti-cheat reduce the risk of a ban to a minimum. The cheat offers wide visual capabilities: ESP allows you to track the positions of enemies, allies, equipment and other objects, making the gameplay more informative. Convenient and stylish menu provides comfortable adjustment of features. Aimbot with fine adjustment, Silent Aim and Magic Bullets guarantee high accuracy and easy frags. SMG for SQUAD is an ideal combination of powerful functionality, security and affordable price.
System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2)
- Processor: Intel & AMD
- Video card: Nvidia & AMD
- Client: Steam
- Enabled - enable aimbot
- Aim Key - select a key to activate aim
- Auto Switch - auto change of aim target
- Silent - a powerful type of aimbot, bullets hit the target, but the camera and sight do not move
- Magic Bullet - magic bullets hit targets even behind obstacles and walls
- Visible Check - fire only at enemies in line of sight
- FOV - the size of the aiming area
- Smooth - smoothing of aimbot movements, the higher the value, the weaker the aim
- Max Distance - aim range in meters
- Draw Line - draw a line to the current aim target
- Draw FOV - show the current FOV of the aim as a circle
- Crosshair - static crosshair in the middle of the screen
- Bones (Hitboxes) - selection of body parts for the aimbot
Player ESP (WH)
- Player ESP - esp for displaying players (enemies)
- Box ESP - wallhack in the form of boxes
- Visible Check - show players behind a wall and in direct line of sight differently
- Box Style - box style (simple 2D boxes or just corners)
- Filled Box - fill the background of boxes with a transparent dark color
- Name - game nicknames of players
- Weapon - a weapon in the hands of the target
- Skeleton - wallhack in the form of skeletons
- Distance - distance to the target in meters
- Health - show the amount of HP and players using a strip (bar)
- Max Distance - the range of the ESP for displaying players
Misc (Other SMG Squad Features)
- No Recoil - disable weapon recoil when shooting
- FOV Changer - change camera angle
- Zoom Hack - Allows you to zoom in on the camera
- Infinite Sprint - the ability to run endlessly
- Speedhack - Significantly Increases Movement Speed
- Language (Russian, English)
- Config System (Save, Load, Reset) - the ability to save, load and reset settings
- Font Settings (Name, Size, Change, Reset) - font settings for use in the cheat
- Menu Key - select a key to open the cheat menu
- Panic Key - select a key when pressed which will completely close the cheat
- Battle Mode - the key to activate the battle mode, in it all ESP is disabled except for displaying enemies
- Spoofer - built-in spoofer for bypassing blocking by HWID
- Stream Proof - the ability to visually hide cheat when recording or streaming (Discord, OBS)
- Custom Colors - detailed color settings for WH
World ESP (Objects)
- Ammo Crates (ammo boxes)
- Mines (ladnmines)
- FOBs - Forward Operating Base
- HABs - HESCO Accommodation Bunkers (Hideouts)
- Machine Gun Crews - positions with machine guns
- Anti-Tank Missiles
- Rally points
- Mortars - mine-throwers
- Booby-Trapped Vehicles
- Drones
- Grenades - propellant explosives
- Your Team's Tickets
- Enemy Team's Tickets
- Ammo Amount - the amount of ammo you have in your magazine
- Kills - the number of kills you have made
- Deaths - how many times have you died
- Vehicles Destroyed - how many vehicles have you destroyed
Vehicles ESP (Transport)
- Motorcycle (bikes)
- Cars - passenger cars
- Transport Jeeps
- Logistics Jeeps
- Anti-Tank Jeeps
- Artillery Vehicles
- Transport Trucks
- Logistics Trucks
- Air Defense Trucks
- Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFV)
- APC - armored personnel carrier
- Anti-aircraft warfare - flak
- Tanks
- Helicopters
- Boats