Buy Fecurity Cheat for SQUAD
Information about cheat
We present to your attention a new cheat for Squad in our assortment. This product was developed jointly with our colleagues from Fecurity. Premium Internal Cheat for Squad. With this software you can either play legit or destroy everyone using a silent aimbot. Flexible configuration of all functions allows you to play as you please. Aim has smart settings that will allow you to play legit unnoticed. The ESP part of the cheat is done beautifully and works perfectly. It is also worth noting the greater number of exploits: disabling recoil, infinite stamina, and the like. You can find the full list of features below. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video and screenshots.
System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2, 24H2)
- Processor: Intel & AMD
- Video card: Nvidia & AMD
- Client: Steam
Aimbot(Vectored & Silence)
- Aim At Shoot - a mode in which aim always works when shooting
- Vectored Aimbot - a vector aimbot simulates human mouse movements
- Silent Aimbot - in this mode, bullets hit targets, but your aim does not move.
- Visible Only - aim only at visible targets
- Enemy Only - targeting only enemies
- Aim Horizontal Speed - horizontal aiming speed
- Aim Vertical Speed - vertical aiming speed
- Recoil Compensation(RCS) - recoil control system
- FOV - size of the aimbot's working area
- Target Switch Delay - delay before changing target
- Bone - selection of body parts for the aimbot
- HitBox Priority - selection of priority body parts for the aimbot
- HitScan Coefficient - % of shots to priority body parts
- In Vehicle - activate aim when you are in vehicle
- Magic Bullet - magic bullets hit targets beyond line of sight
- Draw FOV - show the aimbot's working area as a circle
- Player ESP - wallhack
- Enemy Only - show only enemies
- Box ESP - wh in the form of boxes
- Box Outline - add. Outlining boxes for clarity
- Health ESP - show the amount of HP
- Skeleton ESP - wh in the form of skeletons
- Name - player nicknames
- Distance - distance to targets
- Weapon - weapons in the hands of players
- Vehicle - show transport
- Deployable - deployable objects
- Tickets
- Visible Check - targets behind the wall and in line of sight will be shown differently
- Custom Colors - the ability to set your own colors for WH
- Maximum Distance - the ability to limit the operating range of the ESP
- FOV Changer - allows you to increase the viewing angle
- Prefix Changer - setting an animated prefix in the table
- Inf. Stamina - infinite stamina
- Inf. Ammo and Items - endless ammo and consumable items
- Instant Hit - bullets instantly reach the target
- Instant Throw - projectiles instantly reach their destination
- No Recoil - disables weapon recoil
- Vehicle No Recoil - disable recoil when you are in vehicle
- Server Crasher - allows you to crash the server
- Distance Unit - unit of measurement for ESP(meters or feet)