Unicore Marvel Rivals Software
Information about cheat
Private cheat Unicore for Marvel Rivals is a powerful tool that makes the game comfortable and exciting. Among the key features, it is worth highlighting the convenient and advanced Aimbot, which ensures accuracy in any shootout. For visual control, ESP (WH) is available with flexible settings for the displayed information: visibility of opponents, their positions, distances and other important content. The Visible Check feature allows you to distinguish enemies behind walls from those who are in direct line of sight, which makes using the cheat as effective as possible. Unicore stands out with a stylish and convenient menu, through which all functions can be easily and quickly configured to suit the player's personal preferences. The cheat is developed with special attention to security: the minimum chance of a ban allows you to enjoy the game without unnecessary risks. At the same time, the price of the software is slightly below average, and its quality is much higher. Unicore for Marvel Rivals is one of the best solutions on the market at an affordable price, ideal for both beginners and experienced players.
System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2, 24H2)
- Processor: Intel & AMD
- Video card: Nvidia & AMD
- Client: Steam, Epic Games (EGS)
Aimbot (Legit)
- Enable - turn on/off aimbot
- Legit Aimbot - Unicore introduces a legit aimbot, perfect for careful play
- Category - the ability to make separate settings for each character or one for all
- FOV - the size of the area in which the aim will take targets for aiming
- Show FOV - show the aim field of view on the screen as a circle around the sight
- Ignore Teammates (Team Check) - by default aim in Unicore ignores your allies
- Visible Only (Visible Check) - check for visibility, aim selects only enemies in direct line of sight as victims
- Prediction - predicting the trajectory of moving targets
- Max Distance - allows you to limit the range of the feature
- Hitboxes (Head, Neck, Chest, Arms, Legs) - select body parts for aiming
- Smooth - smoothing of aimbot movements, higher value - slower and less noticeable aim
- Smooth Type (Linear, Non-Linear) - type of smoothing, linear and non-linear, the second option is more chaotic and random
- Key Mode (Toggle, Hold On, Hold Off) - key operation mode
- TriggerBot - auto fire when enemy enters your sight
Player ESP (Wallhack)
- Player ESP - ESP showing the location of enemies and information about them
- Box - wh in the form of boxes
- Name - players' nicknames
- Distance - distance in meters to targets
- Snap Line - wh in the form of lines
- Skeleton - esp in the form of skeletons
- Health Bar - shows the amount of HP using a bar
- Ammo - the amount of ammunition enemies have
- Ultimate Charge - enemy's ultimate charging status
- Flags - flags
- Glow (Outline, Fill) - wallhack in the form of highlighting (outline, fill of the model)
- Show Teammates - show allies
- Visible Check - color players behind walls and in line of sight differently
- Offscreen ESP - arrows in the direction of enemies off screen
- Max Distance - limit the range of Player ESP
- Visible Only - show only visible targets
- Hero Name - the name of the hero the player is playing for
- Hero Class - display of the character class
- Ability ESP - show mines, portals and other ability objects
Misc (Other Unicore Marvel Rivals Features)
- Character Transparency - transparency of your character model
- Camera FOV - ability to change the viewing angle (FOV Changer)
- Color Grading (Saturation, Contrast, Gamma, Gain) - allows you to set your own filters for the game image
- Configs - you can save and load your settings for the Unicore cheat for Marvel Rivals
- Menu Key - select a bind to open/close the unicore menu
- Language (English, Russian, Chinese) - the software menu is available in English and Russian, and also in Chinese
- Huide UID - allows you to hide your ID in the bottom left corner of the screen