Information about cheat

This product is perfect for those who do not like to kill interest in the game with too strong cheats. PUBG Covcheg is made quite simply and does not include unnecessary features - there is only WH against enemies and nothing more. Much attention was paid to security and bypassing the anti-cheat, so the chance of a ban will be minimal. With careful and conscientious use, the chance of getting blocked is almost zero. ESP in the COVCHEG software for PUBG is very simple and includes only the most basic: boxes, skeletons, HP bar and distance. Such a small number of functions makes the chance of detection as low as possible. We are sure that among you there will be fans of such software. Successful royal battles to all!

System Requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 10 (20H1, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2), Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2)
  • Processor: Intel & AMD
  • Video card: NVidia, AMD, Intel
  • Client: Steam

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Player ESP (WH)

  • Player ESP - esp showing players and various information about them
  • Enable ESP - the ability to turn on / off ESP while using the software
  • Draw BOX - wallhack in the form of boxes, the most popular feature in cheats
  • Draw Health - show players health with a bar
  • Draw Distance - displaying the distance to targets (in meters)
  • Max Distance - ability to limit the range of the COVCHEG cheat
  • Enemy Only - when using WH, only enemies are displayed, allies are not highlighted