Chams for Hunt: Showdown

Information about cheat

We present you our next software for Hunt - Chams. This time, a simple wallhack in the form of chams, in which there is nothing superfluous. This ESP can show players, mobs and bosses in different colors. The cheat is as simple as possible and works perfectly. A hack without anything extra will perfectly complement your gameplay and will not make the game boring, like cheats with a huge number of range features. In general, there is not much more to tell, so do not miss the chance and hurry up to try our new product in action.

System Requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2, 24H2)
  • Processor: Intel & AMD
  • Video card: Nvidia & AMD
  • Client: Steam

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Some info about Hunt Chams

  • Chams - completely fills the character models
  • Wallhack - chams can be seen through walls
  • Players - players' chams are colored pink
  • Zombies - normal zombies are colored red
  • Bosses - special zombies and bosses are colored yellow
  • Spoofer - we provide a spoofer for free with this cheat