Rage Hack for Escape From Tarkov (VX)
Information about cheat
EFT RageHack is a super powerful cheat for Escape From Tarkov. This software has a huge functionality that will allow you to crack down hard with other players. The hack includes: a powerful aimbot with many settings, a wallhack with a lot of parameters for detailed customization displayed information and many other additional functions. A huge number of different features make this cheat ideal for a rage playing and for a legit playing Tarkov. Undetected Rage cheat shows loot on the map and a lot of other useful information. Shoot without recoil and kill everyone in Tarkov with a powerful aimbot!
System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2)
- Processor: Intel & AMD
- Video card: Nvidia & AMD
- Client: BSG Launcher
Aimbot & shooting options
- Enable No Recoil - if this option is active, then the weapon will have recoil disabled when firing
- Enable Aimbot - activate aiming at enemies when shooting with a cheat
- Enable Silent Aimbot - a powerful type of aimbot, bullets hit targets within your FOV, but the crosshair does not move
- Prioritize Visible Targets - priority on visible targets, the aimbot will first of all hit enemies in line of sight (not behind walls)
- Target Bone - selection of a bone (hitbox) that the aim will aim at when shooting
- FOV - target acquisition radius by aim, looks like a circle with the specified radius located around the scope
- Smooth - smoothness of cheat movements when aiming at a target, the larger the value, the more slowly and smoothly the sight will move
- Smooth X - smoothness of movements when hovering horizontally (left-right)
- Smooth Y - smoothness of movements when hovering vertically (up and down)
Wallhack and Player ESP features
- Player ESP - visual features against players
- Boxes - highlighting characters behind the walls using boxes, the most convenient and popular type wh
- Skeleton - draws skeletons on top of player models, allows you to understand through the walls in what position the enemy is currently in
- Name ESP - wallhack feature that gives information about players' nicknames
- Distance - shows the distance in meters to enemies
- Weapon - allows you to see what weapon is currently in the hands of opponents
- Bots - visual ESP cheat features also work against bots
- Scavs - wallhack works against scavs(humans)
- Skeleton Thickness - the thickness of the lines used to draw character skeletons
- Snapline - conducts a snapline to targets that have entered the radius of the aimbot (FOV)
- Corpse - shows the corpses of other players
- ESP Distance - limiting the distance of rendering esp features in meters
- Visible Check - creatures in line of sight and behind walls are painted in different colors for convenience
- Anti-Clutter - intelligently places visual features on the screen, preventing them from overlapping each other
Loot and things on the map (Word)
- Show Items - show items scattered around the map
- Show Meds - show medical items
- Lootable Containers - shows the location of the various containers that can be looted
- Guns - the location of weapons hidden and scattered across locations
- Valuables - gives information where different values are located
- Attachments - shows where weapon attachments are located
- Clothing - highlights clothes that are on the map
- Food - allows you to see where different food is located
- Grenades - show grenades and other thrown weapons
- Show Corpse - corpses of players
- Item Price - also shows the cost of items, in addition to their name and distance to them
- Chinese Item Names - show item names in Chinese
- Minimum Item Price - filter items at the minimum price
Misc (Other features of VX for EFT)
- Run and Shoot - allows you to shoot on the run (while sprinting)
- Show FOV Circle - shows the size of the aimbot's working area, looks like a circle around the sight
- Enable Crosshair - constantly draws a crosshair in the middle of the screen
- Crosshair Size - the size of the drawn crosshair
- Font Size - font size used by esp features cheat
- Detailed Color Customization - detailed color customization for almost all visual features of this software
- Spoofer