Sugar Elite for Escape From Tarkov (ETT Hack Sugar)
Information about cheat
We have a new product: Sugar Elite cheat for EFT! This software belongs to the premium segment and includes a huge number of features. Here you will find everything: from a flexible and powerful aimbot, to players ESP, display of loot and various Rage features such as Speedhack, long arms (Extra Lean) and much more. With Sugar Elite you can either have fun completely destroying the server, or play carefully, getting the maximum benefit from the wide list of cheat functions and the flexibility of their settings. An excellent addition is also the built-in spoofer for bypassing HWID bans in Tarkov. We have shown this product and its capabilities in detail on videos and screenshots, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it in order to have a more accurate idea of Sugar Hack for Escape From Tarkov. We hope you will not pass by our unusual offer!
System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11
- Processor: Intel & AMD
- Video card: Nvidia & AMD
- Client: Battlestate Games Launcher
Aimbot (Silent)
- Enable (Hold, Toggle, Always)
- Visible Check
- Silent Aimbot
- Bullet Manipulation
- Instant Hit
- Autofire (Hold, Toggle, Always)
- Show FOV
- Show Target (On enemy, Under crosshair)
- Bones (Head, Neck, Arms, Stomach, Pelvis, Feet)
- Target Roles (Pmc, Boss, Follower, Scav, Bot, Team)
- Target Selection (Closest to crosshair, Closest by distance, Lowerest HP)
- Max distance
- Autowall (Minimum damage, Visible priority)
Players ESP
- Player ESP
- Chams (Primary/Secondary)
- Glow effect type for Chams
- Skeleton ESP
- Box ESP
- Health ESP
- Ammo ESP
- Weapon ESP
- Render Distance (1-1500m)
- Out of FOV arrows
- Distance
- Visible Check
- Render Distance
- Player Stats (Game edition, K/D, Lvl, Time online and more)
- PMC Faction (Bear / Usec)
More ESP
- Bots ESP
- Hide Scav & Bot names
- Show Hitmarkers
- Show Bullet tracers
- Show weapon info
- Show Penetration chance
- Hitsound (Hit/Head/Volume)
- Sun Ambient changer
- Time Changer
- Weather controller (Clouds density, Rain intensity, Fog, Thunder)
- Show exfils
- Only open exfils
- Show stationary weapons
- Show landmines
- Show grenades (Frag, Smoke, Stun)
- Custom Colors
- SCAVs Nicknames
- Show Sniper Zones
- Self Price (Price of your inventory)
Loot ESP (Items WH)
- Loot Filter
- Categories (Keys, Barter, Containers, Provisions and etc)
- Modifications (Color by price, Show cells, Price per cell)
- Containers ESP
- Corpses
- Show containers inventory
- Show only when hovering(Inventory)
- Show original names of Items
- Show Prices
- Min Price for Items
- Min Price for Containers
- Quest Items
- Render Distance
- Color scheme (New, Old)
- Battle mode (Hold, Toggle, Always)
- Loot ESP Font (Color, Size)
- Custom Loot Filters (Search by Name / Price / Category)
- Custom Colors for all Loot ESP features
Weapon & Inventory Exploits (Misc)
- No Spread
- No Recoil
- No Sway
- No Malfunction
- Instant aiming(ADS)
- Unlock Firerate
- Instant search
- Multi search
- Instant examine
- Quick load
- Quick load Mag
- Quick unload Mag
- Quick container opening
- Locked containers looting
- Early access to quest items
- Loot through walls
- Silent loot
- Silent Melee
Visual Exploits (Misc)
- No Visor
- Thermal vision
- Night vision
- Thirdperson
- Thirdperson FOV
- FOV Changer
- Zoomhack
- Aspect ratio
- Fullbright Mode (Color, intensity, diapason)
Movement & Player Exploits
- Extra lean(1-100%)
- Far door opening
- Unmount stationary weapons
- Enable switches
- Speedhack(1x-80x)
- High Jump
- Air Stuck
- No physical condition
- Bunnyhop
- Auto strafe & Levitation
- Run & Gun
- Infinite stamina & No fatigue
- No weight
- No inertia
- No slowdown
- Always Sprint
- DPI Scale
- Animation Speed
- CFG System
- Built-In Spoofer