Sugar Elite for Escape From Tarkov (ETT Hack Sugar)
Information about cheat
We have a new product: Sugar Elite cheat for EFT! This software belongs to the premium segment and includes a huge number of features. Here you will find everything: from a flexible and powerful aimbot, to players ESP, display of loot and various Rage features such as Speedhack, long arms (Extra Lean) and much more. With Sugar Elite you can either have fun completely destroying the server, or play carefully, getting the maximum benefit from the wide list of cheat functions and the flexibility of their settings. An excellent addition is also the built-in spoofer for bypassing HWID bans in Tarkov. We have shown this product and its capabilities in detail on videos and screenshots, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it in order to have a more accurate idea of Sugar Hack for Escape From Tarkov. We hope you will not pass by our unusual offer!
System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2)
- Processor: Intel & AMD
- Video card: Nvidia & AMD
- Client: Battlestate Games Launcher
Aimbot (Silent)
- Enable (Hold, Toggle, Always) - enable aimbot
- Visible Check - check for visibility, fire only at visible targets
- Silent Aimbot - a powerful type of aim, bullets hit targets in the FOV zone, but the sight and camera do not twitch
- Bullet Manipulation - allows you to hit targets behind obstacles, including impenetrable ones
- Instant Hit - bullets instantly reach the target, damage is dealt instantly
- Autofire (Hold, Toggle, Always) - auto-shooting with the help of an aimbot, in this mode you don't even need to shoot yourself
- FOV (Show FOV, Color) - setting the size of the aiming area, you can also visually show it, change the color (aim circle)
- Show Target (On enemy, Under crosshair) - show the current aimbot target visually
- Bones (Head, Neck, Arms, Stomach, Pelvis, Feet) - select different hitboxes to fire at
- Target Roles (Pmc, Boss, Follower, Scav, Bot, Team) - selection of targets by roles, separate settings against different types of enemies
- Target Selection (Closest to crosshair, Closest by distance, Lowerest HP) - priority of target selection
- Max distance - maximum range of the aim (in meters)
- Autowall (Minimum damage, Visible priority) - in this mode, aim fires through walls if possible
- Silent Melee - Silent Aimbot for Melee Weapons
- Rapid Fire - allows you to shoot any weapon as a machine gun (in automatic mode)
- Force Body Aim - when using this key, the aim will be aimed at the body
- Target Lock - fixing the aim on the target until it is destroyed or fire ceases
- Magic Grenade - a customizable aimbot for grenades, allows you to accurately throw grenades at a distance of up to 500 meters
Players ESP (Wallhack)
- Player ESP - display of characters of different roles (Pmc, Boss, Follower, Scav, Bot, Team)
- Chams (Primary/Secondary) - flexible configuration of chams, you can combine several types of chams
- Glow effect type for Chams - various chams style settings, available different chams textures and glow effects
- Skeleton ESP - wh in the form of skeletons
- Box ESP - wh in the form of boxes
- Health ESP - show targets' HP (as a bar/text)
- Ammo ESP - the number of bullets players have
- Weapon ESP - weapons in the hands of players
- Render Distance (1-1500m) - setting the range of WH operation
- Out of FOV arrows - arrows showing characters outside the screen
- Distance - distance to displayed ESP targets
- Visible Check - colors characters behind walls and in direct line of sight differently
- Player Stats (Game edition, K/D, Lvl, Time online and more) - show player statistics and information about their profile in the game
- PMC Faction (Bear / Usec) - PMC faction
- Streamers - show streamers in the raid and links to their channels
More ESP (World & Other)
- Bots ESP - wh shows all types of ai
- Hide Scav & Bot names - allows you to hide the names of bots and scavs
- Show Hitmarkers - draw markers where bullets hit
- Show Bullet tracers - draw traces of bullet trajectories
- Show weapon info - show information about weapon (fire mode, bullets in the magazine, etc.)
- Show Penetration Chance - Shows the chance of penetration in % (when aiming at an object)
- Hitsound (Hit/Head/Volume) - sound when hitting an enemy/head, volume setting available
- Sun Ambient changer - allows you to change the visual (atmosphere) of the sky and the sun
- Time Changer - set any time of day
- Weather controller (Clouds density, Rain intensity, Fog, Thunder) - you can set any weather
- Show Exfils (Only Open, Condition) - show exits
- Show stationary weapons - display stationary weapons
- Show Landmines (Colors, zones, invisible only) - display of mines
- Show grenades (Frag, Smoke, Stun) - show thrown grenades
- Custom Colors - color settings to your taste for all visual features in the software
- Show Sniper Zones - show sniper zones (Kill Zones)
- Self Price - displaying the cost of your inventory
- Light Source - shows light sources, setting light sources
- Show Transit Points - show points for transition between locations
Loot ESP (Items WH)
- Loot Filter - filter displayed loot by various parameters
- Categories (Keys, Barter, Containers, Provisions and etc) - filter displayed loot by categories
- Modifications (Color by price, Show cells, Price per cell) - модификации лут ЕСП
- Containers ESP - show containers + filter by container types
- Corpses - players' corpses
- Show original names of Items - original names of items
- Show Prices - prices of loot objects
- Min Price for Items - loot filter by minimum price
- Quest Items - mark quest items and zones separately
- Render Distance - the range of Loot ESP
- Color scheme (New, Old) - 2 color scheme (style) modes
- Battle mode (Hold, Toggle, Always) - the ability to turn on the battle mode, in it all ESP is turned off except for players
- Loot ESP Font (Color, Size) - font for WH for loot
- Custom Loot Filters (Search by Name / Price / Category) - ability to customize the loot filter yourself
- Custom Colors for all Loot ESP features - customize colors for Loot ESP
Weapon & Inventory Exploits (Misc)
- No Spread - disables the spread of bullets when shooting, all bullets fly exactly to one point
- No Recoil - disables weapon recoil when firing
- No Sway - disables camera shaking/swaying when shooting
- No Malfunction - your weapon fires without misfires
- Instant aiming (ADS) - instant opening of the sight (without animation)
- Unlock Firerate - Increase the rate of fire
- Instant Examine - instantly examine the found item
- Quick load and unload mag - quickly load/unload the magazine
- Quick container opening - accelerated container opening
- Loot through walls - looting through walls
- Silent loot - fast and hidden looting of objects and items, works through walls
- Allow Remove Your Dogtag - Allows you to remove your dogtag
- Disable Discard Limites - remove limits on throwing out loot (you can throw out anything)
- Loot Vacuum (+Settings) - a loot vacuum cleaner with flexible settings, can be used together with loot through walls and silent loot
Visual Exploits (Misc)
- No Visor - disable the visual effect of the helmet visor
- Thermal vision - thermal vision mode
- Night vision - night vision mode
- Thirdperson - third person view
- Thirdperson FOV - third person view angle
- FOV Changer - ability to change the viewing angle
- Zoomhack - convenient camera zoom without optics
- Aspect ratio - screen aspect ratio settings in the game
- Fullbright Mode (Color, intensity, range) - high brightness mode for thermal vision
- Disable Blur - disable screen blur when opening inventory
- Radar Hack - radar hack window, has many additional settings
- Free Camera - free camera mode, like in Rust
Movement & Player Exploits
- Extra lean (1-100%) - allows you to increase the angle of inclination and the length of your arms
- Far door opening - increased door opening range
- Unmount stationary weapons - Allows you to dismount stationary weapons
- Enable switches - Enables switches on the Laboratory map that are needed to activate the exit elevators
- Speedhack (1x-300x) - enable speedhack, you can choose the method of operation and speed of the speedhack
- High Jump - increased jump height
- Air Stuck - get stuck in the air by pressing a button
- No physical condition - Ideal physical condition (Allows you to run with injuries)
- Bunnyhop - Automatically jump when holding down the spacebar
- Run & Gun - allows you to shoot on the run, works with speedhack
- Infinite stamina & No fatigue - the ability to sprint endlessly and not get tired
- No weight - removes weight limit and overload
- No inertia - disables inertia when moving
- No slowdown - removes slowdown effects from the environment
- Always Sprint - Eternal sprint without pressing the SHIFT key
- Auto Door Opening - auto opening of doors on your way, convenient when using speedhack
- Auto Unlock - auto-unlock
- Desync (Godmode) - allows you to not receive damage to the head and other parts of the body, something like Anti-Aim, allows you to defend yourself from cheaters
- Lag Switch - Allows you to freeze time on the server for 3 seconds
- DPI Scale - menu scale
- Animation Speed - animation speed in the menu
- CFG System - ability to save/load your cheat settings
- Built-In Spoofer - Sugar Elite includes a built-in spoofer to bypass the ban
- Disable Anti AFK Timer - disable anti-AFK timer, allows you to be AFK as much as you want without a kick
- K/D Dropper BOT - a fully customizable bot for draining KD, no need to buy separate software for this