Phoenix Cheat for Stalcraft (Hack)

Information about cheat

We are pleased to present you our latest development - the Phoenix cheat for the Stalcraft game. This product has gone through a long process of development and testing and has finally been released. At the moment, inside you will find ESP (WH) in the form of boxes for displaying players, mobs, and artifacts. The cheat is also adapted to display objects from the current game event, which will allow you to farm a lot of valuable loot! This software is perfectly optimized, works with all game clients, in any screen mode, supports servers of any region: RU, EU, SEA, etc. In addition, there is StreamProof, so if you record / broadcast the game window, the cheat will be hidden from your viewers. The focus during development was not on security, so we hope that our product will retain the Undetected status for as long as possible. If you need a working and safe cheat for Stalcraft - choose Phoenix. Good luck!

System Requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2, 24H2)
  • Processor: Intel & AMD
  • Video card: Nvidia & AMD
  • Client: Steam, VK Play, EXBO Launcher

Select a tariff using the slider

Aimbot (Risky!)

  • Aimbot - help in aiming at enemies when shooting
  • FOV - the size of the zone in which the aim will select targets
  • Draw FOV - show the area of ​​the aim using a circle around the sight
  • FOV Color - the color of the circle showing the area of ​​the aimbot's work
  • Smooth - smoothing of aim movements, the higher the value, the weaker the aim
  • Bone (Head, Body, Legs) - body parts that the aim will aim at when shooting

Players ESP (WH)

  • Players ESP - input for displaying players and information about them
  • Visible Check - visibility check, paints players behind the wall and in direct line of sight in different colors
  • Distance - distance in meters to ESP targets
  • Tracers (Snaplines) - wallhack in the form of lines to characters
  • Armor Name - the name of the armor worn by the player
  • Visible Only - show only players in direct line of sight

Mobs ESP (Enemies)

  • Mobs ESP - esp for displaying monsters
  • Distance - distance to mobs
  • Mob Name - names of displayed mobs
  • Tracers (Snaplines) - esp in the form of lines to mob models

Artefact ESP (Loot, Items)

  • Artefact ESP - wh for displaying artifacts
  • Distance - show distance to artifacts (in meters)
  • Artefact Name - the name of the displayed artifacts
  • Tracers (Snaplines) - ESP in the form of lines to artifacts

Misc (Other Phoenix Stalcraft Features)

  • Bags ESP - show bags with loot inside
  • Custom Colors - In Phoenix Stalcraft you can choose the colors to display any ESP elements
  • Max Render Distance (Players, Mobs, Artefact) - the ability to limit the range of various types of WH
  • Streamproof - Phoenix cheat for Stalcraft is not visible in OBS and Discord when broadcasting the screen