Softhub for Battlebit Remastered
Information about cheat
A new game has recently been released, and we already have something to offer you for it: a new private multihack for the BattleBit Remastered game. We tried and were able to promptly release software for this unusual game. This product is a worthy cheat with all the basic functions necessary for a comfortable game of BattleBit with software. Aimbot, WH and additional misc features for comfortable shooting. The software is sold at a tasty price, but the quality and safety do not suffer from this. We hope we could interest you.
System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11
- Processor: Intel & AMD
- Video card: Nvidia & AMD
- Client: Steam
Player ESP (WH against Players)
- Box - outlining the enemy with boxing
- Skeletons - highlight the enemy's skeleton
- Name - show player's nickname
- Health - information about the enemy's HP
- Equipped Weapons
- Distance - displays the distance to the enemy
- Snaplines- straight lines to the enemy
- Custom Colors - ESP color setting
- Limit Dist - maximum working distance esp
Aimbot (AIM)
- Enable - enable/disable aim
- Bone - choice of body part for aiming
- Key - aim activation key
- FOV - area of work aim
- Draw FOV - show aim area
- Smooth - the speed of finishing the sight to the enemy
- Aim Priority - priority target for aiming
- Aim Mark - shows targets for aim
Misc (Extra Features of Battlebit Softhub)
- No Recoil - disable recoil
- Instant ADS - transition to the sight without delay
- No Bolt - disables delay effect on bolt rifles
- Instant Hit - instant damage after hitting a target