Classify Vision for Apex Legends
Information about cheat
We present to your review the new product of our store for Apex Legends - Classify Vision. This software has everything necessary for connoisseurs of powerful hacking in Apex: Aimbot (Legit, Rage, Trigger), ESP (Players, Loot) and various exploits. The software functions are configured through a convenient and beautiful menu, which looks very stylish and beautiful. All features have many settings, allowing you to make the use as convenient as possible for your style of play. It is also worth noting the quality of the product. The method of implementing all parts of the Classify Vision cheat is unique, so the chance of detection and ban should be as low as possible. An excellent option for experienced users of private cheats for apex legends, suitable for connoisseurs of powerful software with great functionality. Classify for Apex is the choice of experienced and skillful cheaters.
System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11 (22H2, 23H2)
- Processor: Intel & AMD
- Video card: Nvidia & AMD
- Client: Steam, EA App, Origin
Aimbot (Legit)
- Enable - allows you to enable/disable vector aiming
- Aimbot - standard aim, helps you aim, simulates human mouse movements
- Prediction - predicting the enemy's trajectory
- Visible Check - aiming only at targets not behind walls
- Ignore Knocked - ignore knocked enemies
- Ignore Friend - ignore allies
- Bone - select enemy body parts for aiming
- Optimal Bone - aim at the closest body part to the sight
- Max Distance - set the aimbot's range
- Smooth - smoothing of aim movements (smoothness), the higher the value, the weaker the aim
- FOV - the size of the aiming area
- Show FOV (Color, Background) - show the area of the aim using a circle, you can choose a color and add a background
- Aim Line - a line showing the current aim target
- Aim Key - bind key for activation
- Second Aim Key - additional key for activating aim
- Enable - turn on/off the trigger
- Trigger Bot - auto-shoot when an enemy gets into your sights
- Trigger Key - key bind to activate the trigger (hold)
- Skip Knocked - disable fire against knocked enemies
- Skip Friend - disable shooting at allies
- Fire Delay - delay before firing with trigger
- Player Radius - trigger bot sensitivity
- Distance - shooting range with Trigger Bot
Ragebot (High Risk)
- Activate - Enable Rage Bot, a powerful type of aimbot, increased risk of ban
- Ragebot Key - key for fire with rage bot
- Ignore Friends - ignore allies
- Ignore Knocked - ignore knocked enemies
- Show Tracers - show character traces
- Tracers Color - color of character traces
- Tracer Time - time until traces disappear
- Tracer Thickness - thickness of trace lines
- Max Distance - RageBot's range in Classify for Apex
- Player ESP - ESP showing players (WH)
- Weapon Glow - a shimmering outline of the weapon in the enemy's hands
- Box ESP (Basic, Corner) - ESP in the form of boxes (boxes), full 2D boxes or only corners
- Box Shadow - shadow effect on boxes
- Distance - show distance to targets
- Names - players' nicknames
- Skeleton - esp in the form of skeletons
- Level - players level
- Health - a bar showing the players' HP
- Armor - a bar showing the amount of armor players have
- Snapline - WH in the form of lines
- Arrow - arrows in the direction of enemies
- Visible Check - players in line of sight and behind obstacles are colored differently
- Glow - outline player models with glow effect, many effect styles to choose from
- Show Friend / Knocked - if necessary, you can enable the display of knocked players and allies
- Skeleton / Box Thickness - ability to change the thickness of the lines of boxes and skeletons
- Radar - radar window with enemy display
Loot ESP (Items)
- Loot ESP - esp for displaying loot
- Glow - display loot using a glowing outline
- Text - names of objects in text
- Weapon - show weapon
- Ammo - show ammunition
- Body Armor - show armor (chestplates)
- Helmet - show helmets
- Backpack - show backpacks
- Medical - show medicine
- Body Shield - show shield charges
- Grenade - show throwing weapons
- Weapon Kit - modules for weapons
- Weapon Buff - weapon upgrades (amplifiers)
- Min Rarity - loot filter by minimum rarity
- Max Distance - the range of the Loot ESP in Classify Vision Apex
Misc (Exploits and other)
- Bhop - allows you to do a bunnyhop by holding down the spacebar
- Auto Grapple - Allows you to easily do a grappling hook jump for Pathfinder
- Fake Fire - fake shooting animation
- Fake Duck - fake crouch animation
- Free Camera - free camera mode, allows you to fly and watch
- Wall Jump - allows you to jump from the wall by holding the key
- Glide - quick movement using slides by pressing a key
- Auto Tap Strafe - allows you to make sharp changes in the trajectory of movement while jumping
- Glide Toggle Always - always use glide
- Auto Tap Strafe Toggle Always - always use auto tap strafe
- Crosshair - static crosshair in the middle of the screen
- Menu Key - key bind for menu activation
- CFG System - ability to save and load settings
- Custom Colors for ESP - choose your own colors for all ESP functions