Private Software Fecurity for Battlefield 1 (BF I)
Information about cheat
On this page you can see the Fecurity hack for Battlefield 1. If you need good software for a pleasant time in BF1 - Fecurity will be an excellent choice for you. Firstly, this product really has the best aimbot for Battlefield 1: many settings, 2 operating modes (vector and silent), configs and the most accurate shooting. Secondly, the high-quality visual component of the software: convenient and understandable ESP (WH), stylish and ergonomic menu, high performance (internal). In addition to AIM and WH, it is also worth noting the built-in spoofer and the ability to use the software in other games in the series: BF 5 and BF 2042. If you were looking for a high-quality cheat for Battlefield I - Fecurity will be an excellent choice for you!This cheat works in 3 versions of the game at once: BF 2042, BF 5 and BF 1.
System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2, 24H2)
- Processor: Intel & AMD
- Video card: Nvidia & AMD
- Client: Steam, EA App, Origin, BF 2042, BF 5, BF 1
Aimbot (Vectored & Silent)
- Enabled - enable/disable aimbot
- Aim At Shoot - automatic activation of the aimbot during shooting
- Vectored Aimbot - vector aimbot simulates human mouse movements and aims at targets
- Silent Aimbot - silent aim, a powerful type of aim, shots hit targets, but the sight and camera do not move
- Visible Only - target only enemies not behind walls
- FOV - the size of the aimbot's working area
- Draw FOV - show the aiming area on the screen as a circle
- Degree Per Second - use the aimbot's aiming speed parameter
- Vertical / Horizontal Degree Per Second - the speed of aim movements when aiming vertically / horizontally
- Prediction - predicting the trajectories of target movements
- Target Switch Delay - delay before changing the target
- Bones - select body parts that the aim will target
- First / Second Aim Key - allows you to bind 2 keys to activate aim
- Nearest Coefficient - % of shots that will be fired at the closest part of the enemy's body to the sight
- Hitbox Priority - allows you to set priority for different hitboxes
Player ESP (Wallhack)
- Enemy Only - wh only against enemies
- Visible Only - wh only to characters in line of sight
- Box ESP - wh in the form of boxes
- Box Outline - additional outline of boxes (for clarity)
- Out of View - indicator showing targets outside your viewing angle
- Health ESP - ESP showing how much HP players have
- Skeleton - валлхак в виде скелетов персонажей
- Name - ESP showing player nicknames
- Distance - distance to targets
- Max Distance - adjusting the maximum distance for WH
- Visible Check - different illumination of targets behind a wall and not behind a wall
- Skeleton Thickness - thickness of skeleton lines
- Nickname - show players' nicknames
Vehicle ESP (WH)
- Enabled - enable vehicle WH
- Visible Only - show only visible vehicles (not behind the wall)
- Enemy Only - highlight only enemy vehicles
- Vehicle Box - transport boxes
- Box Outline - add. lining of transport boxes
- Health ESP - amount of HP for cars
- Distance - distance to targets
- Max Distance - limit max. entry distance for military vehicles
- Visible Check - check for visibility
- Display Name - show the names of the displayed transport
Misc (Other Features)
- Aim Key - bind your key to activate the aimbot
- Menu Key - binding your own key to call the cheat menu
- Custom ESP colors - flexible adjustment of WH colors in BF 2042
- Distance unit - distance unit (feet or meters)
- Aimbone Preview - selecting body parts for the aimbot visually (by clicking on the character model in the menu)
- Spoofer - the cheat has an HWID spoofer to bypass blocking